Board Meeting Minutes- January 21, 2021
Band Fees Owed- Some students still owe Marching Band Fees and have been emailed multiple times. Pagett said to send the list to him and he will email parents.
Region/County Payments- Pagett will give Jennifer the list of students who signed up to participate in Region/County so she can apply payments and fees. All students who signed up committed to participate, so fees have been paid on their behalf, even if they did not end up participating. Jennifer asked for the Red Box to be checked and any money to be reported to her so she can credit accounts.
Hardship Waiver- Pagett will create a Google Form version of the Hardship Waiver so that it is easier for parents/caregivers to submit.
Newsletter Content- Jennifer will send out a newsletter with Region/County band information, Winter Guard information, and Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night information
Parent Meeting- We discussed having a virtual parent meeting just to touch base with parents. Since there were no competitions, fundraisers, or other typical activities this year, we have not had information to share with parents. But the board feels it is important to touch base with parents and discussed ideas on what would incentivize them to attend a virtual meeting.
Karen will investigate Chick-Fil-A spirit night. There is also an email from a vendor about a Sheet Set sale fundraiser. Karen will investigate.
Performance DVD- Pagett is still organizing and editing the footage from the December performance. The board discussed various ways to best sell and distribute copies. Once the editing is completed, Mr. Pagett will reach out to the board with details.