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The marching band is a contemporary, performance art ensemble within the WHHS bands program. This ensemble consists of wind players, percussionists, and color guard members.​


The marching band is open to all WHHS students and 8th graders zoned for WHHS. Incoming freshmen band students are required to participate in marching band unless they have a fall sports conflict or a documented medical condition preventing physical activity. Fine Arts Center students can join the marching band even if they cannot be in the band class.


Participating in Marching Band means committing to the entire season, which consists of:​


  • Band camp at the end of July/early August​

  • After school rehearsal three days a week through early November​

  • Participate in each football game and competition scheduled, including most Saturdays in September and October.​


Marching band performs at home football games, as well as contests and festivals on most Saturdays in September and October. ​Marching season spans weather from the hottest summer days to cool fall nights​.


All band rehearsals, games and competitions are on the calendar on the website as soon as we know them. 


Because the creation of the marching band show takes many months, students must commit to participation in the marching band by mid-May each year. When you submit a commitment form, we immediately start spending money for you. Please keep your commitment.


You can learn more in the WHHS Band Handbook and tentative schedule.





2022-2023 Leadership Team


Drum Major: Savannah Thomas

Assistant Drum Major: Madison Stephens

Band Captain: Wilson Stokes

Guard Captains: Emily Smith & Makaya Silfvast-Johnson

Brass Captain: Shaw Shurley

Woodwind Captain: Delaney Smith

Percussion Captain: Michael Osborne

Logistics Captains: Anerya Morales-Austin, Evan Smith & Olivia Morris




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