BAND NOTES - February 11, 2019
Parents and friends - if you are coming to watch the percussion performance, bring some newspaper to wave as you shout for them - our "One Man's Trash" pom-poms. :)
Guard Schedule:
8:30 am - Call time at WHHS 9:00 am - Rehearsal 10:00 am - Change into costumes 10:30 am - Depart for Pickens HS (bring money for lunch on the way) 12:00 pm - Arrive at Pickens HS 12:45 pm - Warm-up 1:23 pm - Performance 1:45 pm - Change into warm-ups and load equipment 5:45 pm - Awards 6:15 pm - Dismiss Guard members can stay to watch Indoor competition, get dinner on their own at concessions, and ride back on the bus.
Percussion Schedule:
8:30 am - Call time at WHHS (not in costumes) 9:00 am - Rehearsal 12:00 pm - Load trucks 1:00 pm - Dismiss for lunch, shower, change into costumes 3:00 pm - Call time at WHHS 3:30 pm - Depart for Pickens HS 4:30 pm - Arrive at Pickens HS and unload 5:00 pm - Dinner on your own at concessions (remember to bring money) 6:00 pm - Warm-up 8:05 pm - Performance 8:20 pm - Load truck 9:15 pm - Awards 9:45 pm - Depart Pickens HS 10:15 pm - Arrive at WHHS and unload approx. 11 pm - Dismiss (Pick Up Time) Remember, dismissal time is approximate. Students are not allowed to leave until Mr. Pace dismisses them, which is after everything is unloaded and put away and their meeting is finished.
If you are coming to cheer on our awesome band groups, make sure you arrive early to allow for parking, walking, and finding a seat. You aren't allowed to enter the seating area when a group is performing, so you'll need to arrive well before performance time.
Tickets were distributed to most students last week. If your student did not pick up tickets, please remind them the importance of everyone doing their part. Tickets are available from Mr. Pace.
Students and parents are needed to work one hour shifts at the event, everything from filling drinks to selling raffle tickets. Choose a spot that works best for you.
Everyone should share the information with everyone, talk it up at work, share the event on social media, etc.
Buy your tickets and plan to attend!