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Board Meeting Minutes - November 26, 2018

Agenda 1. Treasurers Report 2. Fundraising 3. Band Fees, Volunteers and Sponsorships 4. Parade 5. Christmas Concert 6. Social 7. Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion 4. Discuss next steps

D. Porter opened the meeting at 6:30 pm

Topic 1: Treasurers Report T Smith reported that as of the meeting time, the bank balance was $20,351. We still owe for one truck rental and fruit sales are not included in this balance. Winter Guard and Indoor fees and expenses are not reflected in this total.

Topic 2: Fundraising Kathryn was to pick up final fruit orders today. R. Wilcox needs numbers from sale to coordinate with band fee reductions. Fruit to arrive on December 10. Need volunteers to help process. All students need to pick up on the 10 th .

Willy Taco is March 25, from 5-9 pm. Includes taco buffet and salsa bar. Sell tickets for $12, our profit is $10 per ticket. Will also do a 50/50 raffle. Families will sell tickets and will suggest dinning times to reduce line at the restaurant – 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-9. We will need to create an order form for the kids to use to indicate times and will have to write time on ticket when giving out. Tickets/reservations can also be made online and tickets can be sold at the door. R. Wilcox will work on the online order and hard copies of order forms and tickets. S. Stewart will get tickets for 50/50 raffle. R. Wilcox will add sign up for volunteers to online volunteer signup. Ticket sales will start one month prior. Online sales can start as soon as we are ready.

Topic 3: Band Fees, Volunteers and Sponsorships R. Wilcox reported that there is not much new to report. All sponsors to date have gotten the social media recognition we promised. One sponsor was not able to provide a logo for signage before the end of marching season and did not get a sign. R. Wilcox has tried repeated to contact them and has not been able to reach them. It was suggested that we ask the parent who secured the sponsor to help reach out to them. The board also discussed the confusion over the student/family volunteer hours to reduce band fees. We are considering creating a point system for volunteer hours and/or donations that can be used next year. Each student family would be required to earn x number of points during the year, points could be earned by serving on the board, heading a committee, volunteering at events, or donating items for the band. Points not earned could be purchased for $1 per point. Details of this still need to be worked out and should be finalized before Spring Band Camp. Who is going to work on this???

Topic 4: Parade No details from Mr. Pace or Half Mile Lake at the time of the meeting.

Topic 5: Christmas Concert No details from Mr. Pace at the time of the meeting. Booster Club will have a short parent meeting prior to the start of the concert. S. Stewart will lead the meeting and will coordinate timing with Mr. Pace.

Topic 6: Social The board discussed putting efforts on one social event, instead of planning several different functions. The board wanted to put efforts toward a Christmas Party following the parade on December 8. After discussions with other parents and students, it was later decided that we would NOT have a party after the parade and instead focus on a winter dance.

Topic 7: Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion The board needs a list of participating students and contact information for each. We also need feedback on volunteer needs for each group.

Next Steps: (Summarize decisions and action items for quick reference. Include responsible party) 1. Fruit Sales – Kathryn to coordinate volunteers needs with R. Wilcox. Kathryn to get list of participating families to R. Wilcox to give band fee credits. Delivery on December 10. 2. Willie Taco, March 25 – R. Wilcox to set up online order/reservations, create hard copy order form and tickets for students. S. Stewart to coordinate 50/50 raffle. 3. Volunteer and Fundraising Point System – need to create a draft plan for points to reduce band fees. Not sure who is going to do this?? 4. Parade – Mr. Pace will get details to the board. 5. Christmas Concert – Mr. Pace will get details to the board. S. Stewart will coordinate Board announcements/parent meeting with Mr. Pace. 6. Social – R. Broumas will work with parent volunteers planning dance to communicate needs and facility board involvement as needed. 7. Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion – Mr. Pace will need to forward a roster for both groups to R. Wilcox as soon as available and will communicate any volunteer needs to the board.

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