Board Meeting Minutes - May 31, 2018
Topic 1: Budget Mr. Pace presented the proposed budget for the 2018/19 school year. A copy of the budget is attached. The total budget comes to $54,973. The band boosters will be responsible for $34,973. The district is providing $5,728, the school is providing $7,500. The remaining $7,000 will be generated from winter guard and indoor drum line fees. Total booster club expenses for the year are less than the booster club income for the past year. ShaeAnn Cavanagh motioned that the budget be approved, Debbie Porter seconded. Motioned passed.
Topic 2: Requests for Funds Procedures Debbie Porter presented the request for funds form and asked that everyone please submit this form in a timely fashion for the booster club to cover an expense. Budget category should be included on the form. Robyn Wilcox will post the form and make it available on-line to board members and Mr. Pace.
Topic 3: Fundraisers ShaeAnn gave an overview of the Wily Taco fund raiser. It was decided that we will move forward with this in November and again in the spring. Debbie Porter agreed to contact Wily Taco to confirm dates.
Kathryn Riley shared Pizza Inn contact information and reminded the group that we can do one spirit night every three months. These were successful, generated over $2,000 in funds last year. Debbie Porter agreed to follow up with Kathryn and the Pizza Inn contact to schedule these for next year. The first will hopefully be the week after band camp, before school starts.
Kathryn Riley reported that the Wendy’s, Chick-fil-A and Tipsy Taco fund raisers were not very successful, and we agreed to hold off on scheduling any more of these. We are still waiting for the check from Chick-fil-A. Robin Broumas will follow up with Chick-fil-A.
We have scheduled a Spirit Night at Smokehouse 28 for July 17.
Debbie Porter reported that the Amazon Smile account has been set up and that we can start using it now. Directions on how to use need to be distributed to band parents – will include information on line and at the parent meeting after band camp.
Topic 4: Band Camp Need to order water jugs and knee pads for entire band. It was decided we would order red, 1-gallon water jugs. Robyn Wilcox volunteered to take care of placing this order for items to be here before the start of band camp.
Mr. Pace reported that the school might be able to provide lunch during band camp and he will look into this.
From 5/24 mtg: Robyn Wilcox will set up Volunteer Sign-Up for band camp and will include slots for dinner items and volunteers to serve and clean up dinner. It was decided that we need to have a specific menu for each night. The following is the general menu plan for each night: Monday: Baked Potato Bar and Salad Tuesday: Taco Bar Wednesday: Pasta Thursday: Hot Dogs 1 st Friday: Pizza 2 nd Friday: Pool Party – Shannon Stewart has agreed to take the lead in coordinating the pool party and reserving the pool at Wade Hampton Gardens.
Next Steps: 1. Budget approved. On file. 2. Request for Funds procedure approved. Robyn Wilcox to make form available on-line. 3. Promote Amazon Smile Account – in newsletter, web site and at parent meetings. 4. Restaurant Fund Raisers – Debbie Porter will follow-up with Pizza Inn (1 every 3 months) and Wily Taco (1 in November and 1 in the Spring) 5. Robyn Wilcox agreed to order Red Gallon Water Jugs and research Knee Pads. Will need in hand by the start of band camp. 6. July 17 – Spirit Night at Smokehouse 29. 7. Plan Pool Party – Shannon Stewart has volunteered to coordinate this. 8. Debbie Porter will continue to communicate with Mr. Williams to request a meeting with the Booster Board. 9. Next meeting: tentatively set for July 19 – will stay in touch via email.