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IMPORTANT Schedule change for Tuesday and Thursday

Because school is once again cancelled for tomorrow, we will not be able to practice until Thursday night. We will extend practice that night to prepare for the weekend. Here's the plan:

  • time will be given at the end of 4th block to do homework. Fine Arts Center kids can come straight over and do homework as well, since they get out a little before Wade Hampton

  • rehearse from 4 to 6 pm

  • snack from 6-6:30 pm (they can do some hw then as well if they want)

  • pack extra food, especially good protein snacks

  • granola bars and some fruit will be available

  • kids WON'T be allowed to go to McDonalds or anywhere during that break

  • rehearse from 6:30 to 9 pm

Parents, please remember that rehearsal ends at 9 but they will still need to put away equipment and meet before being dismissed. We will get them out to the pick up line as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.

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