Here are some reminders and information about band activities from the Band Boosters and A.J. Pace, Director of Bands.
Are you an engineer or master tinkerer? Do you have construction or welding skills? Do you have connections with materials for construction?
Marching band today is so much more than just the band moving around the field. Large props are key to many programs.
Once these are dreamed up by the director, they have to be made into reality - in a way that can be easily moved on and off the field, transported in trucks to competitions, and won't blow over in wind gusts! And of course, for as little money as possible. Easy, right?
If you can help plan and/or construct the props, please visit our SignUps page and give us your contact info.
Feel free to invite friends or relatives - we will gladly take all the help we can get. We'll be in touch soon to set up an initial meeting.
Props not your thing? No problem!
We have many volunteer needs, and there's one or two or more that are perfect for you!
Visit our SignUp.com page and go ahead and pick a few spots before your calendar gets too full.
2017 Marching Parents
Please remember to set up your account so that you can complete forms, make payments and view the account for your student(s).
To access the Membership Portal any time, visit the band website at www.whhsbands.com and click the LOGIN link at the top - or go directly to the portal by visitinghttps://whhsbandboosters.membershiptoolkit.com/.
Drum Line Rehearsal Tuesday, May 30, 4-6 pm Remember to email Mr. Pace with your summer availability for rehearsals.
Check the website calendar anytime to see what's coming up. Go to http://www.whhsbands.com/calendar.
We'd love your feedback on this newsletter style - email us at whhsbands@gmail.com.