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The band will NOT be going to the away game this Friday in Berea. Instead, there will be practice at the school from 6 to 9 p.m. to prepare for the competition on Saturday. While this is a late practice, everyone will be home several hours earlier than they would have been for the football game, so they can get more sleep and be ready for Saturday. Saturday's schedule remains the same: 7:45 AM – Report to WHHS (eat a good breakfast before you arrive) 8:00 AM – Rehearsal in Stadium 10:15 AM – End rehearsal and load truck (all students participate) 11:00 AM – Dismissal – Students go home and eat lunch and shower/change 12:30 PM – Arrive at high school (wearing black socks, black t-­shirt, athletic shorts) and change into performance attire 1:00 PM – Depart WHHS 1:45 PM – Arrive at Laurens District 55 High School and unload 2:15 PM – Warm­up for the show 3:50 PM – Arrive at Gate 4:00 PM – Perform and rock the house! 4:30 PM – Load truck 5:15 PM – Awards 6:00 PM – Depart Laurens District 55 High School 6:45 PM – Arrive at WHHS – Unpack ­ Clean 7:15 PM – Dismiss to cars in fire lane pick up area (please remember)

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