Board Meeting Minutes - October 1, 2019
1. Volunteer needs
2. First Parent meeting
3. Band Payments
….. opened the meeting at 5 :45 pm
Topic 1:
Letting parents know that we still have a need for volunteers. Making sure parents know that they will only receive credits if they signed up on Swimtopia. You cannot receive credit if you just walk up and volunteer unless we are short parent helpers.
Topic 2:
We will have a quick meeting to get our talking points for our first parent meeting so that everyone is on the same page. The meeting will start at 630 pm. Shannon will explain to parents that for competitions to run smoothly we need all the help we can get. She will also explain how the volunteer points work and how many each family needs by the end of marching band season.
Topic 3:
Making sure that parents sign up for the parent portal and know how to make their payments either on line of give to their child to put in the red box.
Next Steps:
Rhonda getting gift cards from Texas Roadhouse. She needs a date Jan-March
Shannon needs an email to make sure that Tracey and Katherine are during the dance and fruit.