Band Notes - August 1, 2018
Band Camp is off to a great start!
All day rehearsals continue through August 10. The daily schedule: 9-12 rehearsal, 12-1 lunch, 1-4 rehearsal, 4-5 dinner, 5-8 rehearsal Please be on time to pick them up at the end of the day.
Great response to the $5 dinner option
Less time spent packing a meal and food that hasn't sat in your lunch box all day. $5 per day (or $20 for all week) - pay in advance here
Volunteers needed - Band Camp afternoons
Please consider signing up for a shift or two next week if you are available. Details and sign up -
End of Band Camp Celebration
Parents and families, please join us Friday, August 10 from 5-7:30 pm
Get your first look at the performance in the parking lot starting at 5 pm
Dinner in cafeteria, $5 per meal
Pool Party from 7:30-8:30 pm for band/guard students only (pick up at 8:30 pm at Wade Hampton Gardens Pool, across from the student parking lot/practice field)
We are asking that everyone RSVP (and preferably pay in advance) through the website by Monday August 6.
First payment toward band fee now due
As explained in the new fee agreement, we need to get at least some payment toward each student's band fees this week so we can cover early season expenses.
Go for sponsorships instead of paying out of pocket
Think asking for sponsorships is too hard? One of the quietest members of the band recently learned that her parents' financial advisor was willing to donate, but she would have to make the pitch. She looked over the process online, got the printable form from that page, and used that information to ask for a donation. When she told them about our "small but mighty band," she had them hooked - and got a $500 platinum level sponsor!
You might not get $500 the first time you ask, but remember, every sponsorship you bring in comes off the amount of band fee you owe. Definitely worth the effort to ask the question!
Keep up the good work eating healthy, dressing right, getting sleep and drinking water.
new red water jug (filled with ice and water from home)
pencil, music
healthy lunch and healthy dinner (if you aren't buying the $5 dinner)
Drop off and Pick up
Help us stay in good standing with the school - please note our Drop Off and Pick Up Process:
For all practice, games and competitions, all band drop off and pick up will be through the fire lane at the side of the school.
Enter the main entrance to the school and follow the lane to the right of the building.
Cars should line up to the left, leaving room on the right side for cars to pass.
Students will come to you once dismissed, then you can continue out the back with caution to exit.
No one dropping off or picking up should enter at the back of the school.
The fire lane gates should be unlocked, but please note, if you are early to arrive, you may need to push the gate open. Thank you for your help with this matter.
Student and Parent Volunteer Opportunity
Our first volunteer opportunity for students, in addition to parents, is coming up on August 18 at Pizza Inn. For this one, students must be at least 16 years old. Details and Sign up -