Board Meeting Minutes - May 24, 2018
Topic 1: Communications with School Administration and with Mr. Pace We need to arrange a meeting with Principal Williams to introduce the new board and to discuss communications/procedures and upcoming needs. Carleen and Debbie will set meeting. All new board members are encouraged to attend. The board will need to establish a system for communicating with Mr. Pace. Should have one primary contact between Mr. Pace and Board. What is the best way to reach out to one another – text, email, phone? Is there a better time? If immediate action is needed, what is the best way to get a timely response?
Topic 2: Meeting Procedures The president will prepare agenda. The secretary will take notes and will forward to all board members shortly after the meeting for feedback. Minutes will then be posted on web-site. Robyn Wilcox will send Robin Broumas the link and info to post minutes directly into the blog for online posting.
Topic 3: Financial Procedures New board members need to go to the bank to sign signature card for the checking account. Debbie Porter, Tammy Smith and Shannon Stewart should be added, Carleen Smith and Kathryn Riley should be taken off. The board decided that ShaeAnn Cavanagh should stay on the account since she will continue to shop for concessions.
Two signatures are needed to sign checks – President, President Elect and/or Treasurer. Kathryn Riley distributed copies of 501(3)c documentation to new board members.
Form for requests for funds needs to be updated. Robyn Wilcox has the previous form and will update and send to everyone for comment. Form will be used to get authorization for large purchases, including but not limited to music, instruments, and props.
Budget will be presented at meeting next week by Mr. Pace. All expenses need to be included in a budget category. Carleen suggested giving Mr. Pace a maximum amount that he can spend without having to come to the booster board for authorization – i.e. a maximum of $500 for the school year. No action was taken, but the board will consider this suggestion.
Topic 4: Band Roster, Online Payment Robyn Wilcox reported that as of now we have 72 band members on the roster. The online site will be available to new members as soon as the year rolls over. Robyn has set up the payment forms to show the total due for the year. As payments are made, the total will go down. Links to how to reduce fees are tied to the online form.
Topic 5: Band Camp/Plan for Dinner Robyn Wilcox will set up Volunteer Sign-Up for band camp and will include slots for dinner items and volunteers to serve and clean up dinner. It was decided that we need to have a specific menu for each night. The following is the general menu plan for each night: Monday: Baked Potato Bar and Salad Tuesday: Taco Bar Wednesday: Pasta Thursday: Hot Dogs 1 st Friday: Pizza 2 nd Friday: Pool Party – Someone needs to take the lead in coordinating the pool party and reserving the pool at Wade Hampton Gardens.
Topic 6: Items we need to purchase before Band Camp Knee Pads Water Jugs
Topic 7: Spirit Nights Kathryn Riley reported that the Pizza Inn spirit nights were good money makers, but that the others generated very little income. It was agreed that we will continue with Pizza Inn this year and Kathryn will get the contact information to the new board. Our next Pizza Inn fundraiser will be in August. We will hold off on scheduling Wendy’s and Chick-fil-A for now. ShaeAnn shared a fund raiser with Willy Taco that was very successful – we would sell tickets for a taco buffet at Wily Taco and provide band members to clear tables and refill drinks. Price tickets at $12, we get $10 per ticket. Only available on Monday nights. Will discuss the possibility of doing a Monday night dinner with Pace next week, or we may need to schedule after marching season is over. We need someone to coordinate spirit nights.
Next Steps: 1. Arrange meeting with Principal Williams – Carleen and Debbie 2. Prepare agenda for 5/31 Board Meeting – Carleen and Debbie 3. New Board Members to sign signature card at bank – Debbie, Shannon and Tammy 4. Online payment form distributed to all on roster – Robyn Wilcox 5. Requests for Funds Form – Robyn Wilcox 6. Sign-Up Genius for Band Camp and Dinner – Robyn Wilcox 7. Purchase knee pads and water jugs -- ? 8. Pool Party Coordinator -- ? 9. Spirit Night Coordinator -- ? 10. Next Meeting – Thursday, May 31 at the WHHS