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Boosters Meeting Minutes - March 6, 2018

Carleen opened meeting at 6:30 pm and welcomed the parents to the Band Booster Meeting.

Financials: We currently have about $3,500.00 in our BB&T account and about $3,000.20 in or PayPal account


  • Bake Sale – March 9 th in the Cafeteria

o Drop off in front office and labeled “Band Bake Sale” o Sign Ups available

  • Pizza Inn will be May 3 rd 5:30-8:30 pm

o We will have 2 shifts for workers – 5:30-7:30 and 6:30-8:30 with an overlap during the busiest time o Need at least 2 parent chaperones for each shift and a Board member to stay and count money at the end of the night. o Wear WHHS Band gear o Sign Ups available for kids and parent chaperones

  • Wendy’s Night is March 13 th from 5:30-8:30 pm

  • Smokehouse 29 would like to host us for a fundraiser on a Saturday between 3-8pm

o Targeting May 5 th or June 2 nd o Need 2 workers per shift (bus tables) o 10% of ALL sales and do not have to identify as WHHS Band o Could do car wash in the back parking lot at the same time – Carleen will contact Strip Mall owner

  • Ideas for additional fundraisers in the Spring

o Car Wash/Yard Sale/Bake Sale – May 5 th or June 2 nd tentatively

 Coordinate with local firemen to help get cash donations on the street corners  Consider 2 locations: Walmart and Chick-fil- a

o Fruit Sales next year

 We may be using an different distributor from California, PJ’s  Byrnes uses them also  Better product and they also sell Cheesecakes

o Lottery (Raffle) 50/50

 Can do this 2 times a year because we are identified as a non-profit  Not this spring but need to plan for next year.

 Sell tickets for cash prize  Debbie Porter has pictures of tickets for examples  Make it a community event in Student Parking lot  Have Band perform on a stage  Sell food and have vendors/sponsors with tents

Board Positions:

  • Need to fill the President, Treasurer and Secretary positions

  • VP of Communications & Marketing will remain on the Board and mentor her replacement after next year.

o Learn website management o Membership Toolkit

  • Vote in early May

Other Items:

1. Need to get uniform team together to unpack and size all of the uniform pieces

o Pick a Saturday morning soon o If interested, contact Robyn Wilcox

2. Events

o Future Generals Night – March 15 th 6:30pm  Set up after school around 4pm  Booth – mannequin with new costume, flyer (Susan and AJ)  Showcase Drum core on Promethean Board

o Concert Festival is March 20 th at Dorman after school.  Warm up is at 5:15 with performance at 5:40 pm  We will be renting a charter bus. Each student should bring $5 to help reduce the cost.  No food will be provided

o Banquet – May 7 th 7-9pm  Smokehouse 29  Minimal fee for everyone

o Spring Clinic – May 12 th

 Next year’s numbers will be based on the turn out.

o Armed Forces Parade – Around May 19 th  Still needs to be confirmed  We have to participate since we received new uniforms for next year.

3. Updates from Mr. Pace

o Storage unit is getting painted now and should be delivered soon (~2-3 weeks)

o Need to email rising 9 th graders

 Mr. Pace provided a list (22) and will need to follow up with a phone call  We should expect about 50% loss from 8 th grade to 9 th grade  Check out list and if you know anyone please reach out

o Proposition 302

 Contact your local SC Representative to have them support  Band will get PE credit

4. Band Fee

o Working on getting the Band Fee paid directly to the Boosters. o It would include the Band Fee plus fair share payment in one fee o Only downside is that if a student qualifies for Free and Reduced Lunch and does not pay, we would absorb the cost.

 Working on options in this case

o Mr. Williams will be contacting Mauldin’s band boosters to discuss this option and let us know soon.

Next Steps: 1. Bake Sale – March 9 th 2. Wendy’s Night March 13 th 5:30-8:30pm 3. Future Generals Night – March 15 th 6:30pm 4. Concert Festival – March 20 th 5:40 pm 5. Fill open Booster Board positions 6. Brainstorm fundraiser ideas 7. Fundraising nights - eat, eat, eat! 8. Next Parent Meeting, April 3, 2018 at 6pm in the Chorus Room

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm

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