BAND NOTES - December 3, 2017
Here are some reminders and information about band activities from the Band Boosters and A.J. Pace, Director of Bands.
Tuesday, December 5 at 6 pm in the band room.
CHRISTMAS PARADE - New location for this year
We will be participating in the Half-Mile Lake Christmas Parade this year, followed by a get-together for the students.
4 pm Call Time, Rehearse, change to costumes 5:30 pm leave for Half Mile Lake 7:30 pm (ish), depart to St. James for party 9:30 pm depart for school, change and put away instruments 10 pm Pick Up
We have an opportunity for two more fundraiser bake sales at the Orchestra and Band concerts, December 12 and 14 - but we need baked goods to sell!
Please let us know if you can make some extra Christmas Cookies or any goodies by signing up. Click here to let us know when you can help.
Rehearsal: Wed Dec. 13, 4 - 5:30pm In preparation for the Winter Concert, percussion and band classes will meet for one joint practice.
Concert: Thursday Dec. 14 5:30 pm call time 6:30 pm concert starts
WHHS Band Boosters is always grateful for your donation.
If you have unpaid band expenses, please get payments to the Boosters asap or talk to Mr. Pace if you need assistance.
(click on an event for details)
Tuesday, December 5
Parent Meeting
Sunday, December 10
Half Mile Lake Christmas Parade and Band Party
Tuesday, December 12
Wendy's fundraising night
Wednesday, December 13
Dress Rehearsal for Concert
Thursday, December 14
Winter Band Concert
Wednesday, December 20
Half day
Thursday, December 21
No school
Holiday gathering
Check the website calendar anytime to see what's coming up. Go to