Board Meeting Minutes - November 7, 2017
Agenda 1. Events 2. Fundraisers 3. Financials 4. Other Items 5. Discuss next steps
Carleen opened the meeting at 5pm.
Events: 1. Band Hangout opportunity – Bowling
Carleen will check and see if the bowling alley will be available wither November 20 th or 27 th .
It has to be a Monday due to tournaments
Kids will pay for their games and food
Boosters are facilitating the event and helping provide chaperones
2. Christmas Parade is Sunday, December 10 th @ 6pm at Half Mile Lake
Call time is till TBD
Kids will need to be in place at parade site by 5:30pm
Kids will be wearing their costume
3. Christmas Party
Try and have it after the Christmas Parade at the Half Mile Lake Clubhouse - Tracy will check
with her friend
Jennifer Reneke’s house will be a back-up plan
Try to utilize the left over concession food – nachos/cheese, hot dogs, chips, candy and drinks
See if the kids want to participate in a white elephant swap – TBD
Nova may also want to have the kids come by after the parade - Carleen will check with her
4. Band Concert at WHHS December 14 th @ 7pm
Dress rehearsal the night before until 5:30pm
Boosters can sell baked good during the concert and during strings concert on December 12 th .
o Tracy will organize these sales
Middle schools will not be performing with WHHS this year but we will still make up a flyer for
Avon Profit Share Event will be extended through November 18 th
o Keep sharing on Social Media
o Emily is giving us half her profit from these sales
Bake Sale – December 1 st in the Cafeteria
o Christmas cookies
o Wear ugly Christmas sweater or tshirt
o Sign Ups available
Pizza Inn Thursday, November 9 th
o Kids working event need to be there 5:30 -9:30pm but the event is from 6-9pm
o Wear WHHS Band gear
o Sign Ups available for kids and parent chaperones
Financials: We currently have $3,494.48 in our BB&T account and $4,963.70 in or PayPal account We still need to pay for staff, coke, props, trucks, and fruit. o Coke should be giving us a credit on returned product.
Other Items: 1. Storage Unit
o We have the unit until the end of November
o $80 extra per month if we need to extend
o $1500-2000 to purchase one but Pace does not want to do that right now
o Susan has 2 storage units available we can use if we need to store props after November until
we sell them.
2. Pace wants the 8 large vinyl panels from the props to be removed from frames so they can be displayed in the band room
o We will sell the remaining 16 smaller vinyl panels
o Carleen will check on a product we can use to help remove the adhesive from the vinyl without
hurting it
o All other items, circles, flags, colorguard costumes, etc will need to be put up for sale sooner
than later so we can take advantage of directors planning for Winterguard.
3. Costumes
o Kids will return them after parade and we will distribute later
o We still have 5 or 6 kids that have not paid for them
o Pace will check if these kids qualify for Free and Reduced lunch status, if so the school will pay
for their costume.
o Robyn will give Pace the names of these kids.
4. New Uniforms
o We only have a few pieces of them. Expecting to get the rest by March
o They have cut outs so we can change the color of the under shirts to match a show if needed
o Because we are getting new uniforms, we will be marching in the Armed Forces Parade
sometime in May 2018.
5. Band Fee
o Robyn is working on a proposal for Mr. Williams for next year
o Can wrap up fundraising into band fee and stagger payment if it can go through boosters
6. Spin Club
o A way for the kids to still be involved and participate in the winter and help them with their skills
o 1 day a week in the band room
o Contract Lexi to instruct ($2500, but Pace will see if she will take a little less)
o Kids will pay $50 to participate and fundraise to help offset the cost of Lexi and travel
o Plan on going to one competition to observe (WGI in Charlotte)
o Can send a few of the Colorguard from this year to Middle Schools to recruit
Next Steps: 1. Band Bowling Party – Carleen to confirm date 2. Christmas Parade – Pace to confirm call time 3. Christmas Party – Tracy to confirm Clubhouse, Carleen to talk to Nova 4. Band / Strings Concert Bake Sales – Tracy to organize 5. Remove Vinyl from Props – Henry to organize team 6. Sell props – Ian organize and upload to web 7. Costumes – Robyn provide Pace with list of kids, Pace check on status 8. Spin Club – Lexi – Pace to work with her on reducing fee and determine practice time for calendar 9. Next Board Meeting, December 19 th at 5:00 pm in the Chorus Room.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.