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Board Meeting Minutes - November 7, 2017

Agenda 1. Events 2. Fundraisers 3. Financials 4. Other Items 5. Discuss next steps

Carleen opened the meeting at 5pm.

Events: 1. Band Hangout opportunity – Bowling

  •  Carleen will check and see if the bowling alley will be available wither November 20 th or 27 th .

  •  It has to be a Monday due to tournaments

  •  Kids will pay for their games and food

  •  Boosters are facilitating the event and helping provide chaperones

2. Christmas Parade is Sunday, December 10 th @ 6pm at Half Mile Lake

  •  Call time is till TBD

  •  Kids will need to be in place at parade site by 5:30pm

  •  Kids will be wearing their costume

3. Christmas Party

  •  Try and have it after the Christmas Parade at the Half Mile Lake Clubhouse - Tracy will check

  • with her friend

  •  Jennifer Reneke’s house will be a back-up plan

  •  Try to utilize the left over concession food – nachos/cheese, hot dogs, chips, candy and drinks

  •  See if the kids want to participate in a white elephant swap – TBD

  •  Nova may also want to have the kids come by after the parade - Carleen will check with her

4. Band Concert at WHHS December 14 th @ 7pm

  •  Dress rehearsal the night before until 5:30pm

  •  Boosters can sell baked good during the concert and during strings concert on December 12 th .

o Tracy will organize these sales

  •  Middle schools will not be performing with WHHS this year but we will still make up a flyer for

  • parents.


 Avon Profit Share Event will be extended through November 18 th

  • o Keep sharing on Social Media

  • o Emily is giving us half her profit from these sales

 Bake Sale – December 1 st in the Cafeteria

  • o Christmas cookies

  • o Wear ugly Christmas sweater or tshirt

  • o Sign Ups available

 Pizza Inn Thursday, November 9 th

  • o Kids working event need to be there 5:30 -9:30pm but the event is from 6-9pm

  • o Wear WHHS Band gear

  • o Sign Ups available for kids and parent chaperones

Financials:  We currently have $3,494.48 in our BB&T account and $4,963.70 in or PayPal account  We still need to pay for staff, coke, props, trucks, and fruit. o Coke should be giving us a credit on returned product.

Other Items: 1. Storage Unit

  • o We have the unit until the end of November

  • o $80 extra per month if we need to extend

  • o $1500-2000 to purchase one but Pace does not want to do that right now

  • o Susan has 2 storage units available we can use if we need to store props after November until

  • we sell them.

2. Pace wants the 8 large vinyl panels from the props to be removed from frames so they can be displayed in the band room

  • o We will sell the remaining 16 smaller vinyl panels

  • o Carleen will check on a product we can use to help remove the adhesive from the vinyl without

  • hurting it

  • o All other items, circles, flags, colorguard costumes, etc will need to be put up for sale sooner

  • than later so we can take advantage of directors planning for Winterguard.

3. Costumes

  • o Kids will return them after parade and we will distribute later

  • o We still have 5 or 6 kids that have not paid for them

  • o Pace will check if these kids qualify for Free and Reduced lunch status, if so the school will pay

  • for their costume.

  • o Robyn will give Pace the names of these kids.

4. New Uniforms

  • o We only have a few pieces of them. Expecting to get the rest by March

  • o They have cut outs so we can change the color of the under shirts to match a show if needed

  • o Because we are getting new uniforms, we will be marching in the Armed Forces Parade

  • sometime in May 2018.

5. Band Fee

  • o Robyn is working on a proposal for Mr. Williams for next year

  • o Can wrap up fundraising into band fee and stagger payment if it can go through boosters

6. Spin Club

  • o A way for the kids to still be involved and participate in the winter and help them with their skills

  • o 1 day a week in the band room

  • o Contract Lexi to instruct ($2500, but Pace will see if she will take a little less)

  • o Kids will pay $50 to participate and fundraise to help offset the cost of Lexi and travel

  • o Plan on going to one competition to observe (WGI in Charlotte)

  • o Can send a few of the Colorguard from this year to Middle Schools to recruit

Next Steps: 1. Band Bowling Party – Carleen to confirm date 2. Christmas Parade – Pace to confirm call time 3. Christmas Party – Tracy to confirm Clubhouse, Carleen to talk to Nova 4. Band / Strings Concert Bake Sales – Tracy to organize 5. Remove Vinyl from Props – Henry to organize team 6. Sell props – Ian organize and upload to web 7. Costumes – Robyn provide Pace with list of kids, Pace check on status 8. Spin Club – Lexi – Pace to work with her on reducing fee and determine practice time for calendar 9. Next Board Meeting, December 19 th at 5:00 pm in the Chorus Room.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

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