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Board Meeting Minutes - June 13, 2017


1. Band Camp

2. Financials

3. Other Items

4. Updates from Mr. Pace

5. Discuss next steps

Carleen opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Band Camp:

Tracy is still working on getting donations for band camp kit:

$250 for lanyard

$1,100 for Knee Pads

$1,000 for Water Bottles

$1, 000 for compression shirt

$3,350 = $40.00 each

We will have a parent gathering after the first day of band camp, August 31 st from 8-9pm. Bring a dessert and socialize.

Parents are welcome to come and watch the practices during band camp.

Robyn has received confirmation that the trainer will have a meeting with the kids at the end of the

morning session on the first day of band camp.

End of Band Camp Celebration – Friday, August 11 th from 6-10pm

 Show parents the performance in the parking lot (Gym if raining) starting at 6pm

 Dinner in cafeteria – Moe’s

 Pool Party from 8-10pm – Carleen is contacting the pool

Something to consider for next year – Summer Feeding program. Greenville Middle is the feeder school that would help qualify WHHS for summer feeding. They would provide bagged lunches for the kids on the WHHS campus during band camp. Tracey will investigate.


We currently have $783.75 in the BB&T account and $978.81 in the First Citizens account and we received $574.17 in PayPal payments which equals $2,336.73.

Kathryn will check on how to close the First Citizen’s account and transfer everything into the BB&T account.

We need to arrange to have a pre-paid band fee refunded to a parent. They used a credit card online instead of a check to WHHS. This item cannot be blocked on the website. We will refund after July 1 st so they can pay it to the school after the new fiscal year starts. Robyn is working with Kathryn and Mrs. Peterson at WHHS.

Mr. Pace will keep Robyn updated on who pays the band fees so she can mark them

paid on their accounts.

 Mr. Pace received an email from a student stating they cannot pay the band dues for next year.

We need to consider developing a Hardship Form for the parents to fill out. Mr. Williams

advised that if the student qualifies for Free and Reduced Lunch then the school can supplement

the fee.

Gift in Kind Letters – Robyn spoke with Kathryn about this letter for sponsors. Kathryn is following up

with Sue at Boosters organization.

Letter for Potential Sponsors – Robyn completed this letter and sent to the board members a few weeks ago. It will be used to present to potential sponsors for eliciting donations. One comment was to add the donation levels (at the bottom or have an attachment).

Platinum – $500+ with logo on the trailer

Gold – $250 for logo on banner (price needs to be the same as football boosters, still need to


Silver – $100 ??

Bronze – $50 name in program

Friends/Family – $25, contributor and receive a thank you note

We received an email from a parent asking about a sponsor. They have a gun business owner (Frontline Arms Inc.) that wants to donate. We will need to check with Mr. Williams to make sure we can use their logo.

Other Items:

1. Member Tool Kit – We have 29 active members and 55 members with outdated information (Robyn uploaded but they have not confirmed). 10 of these have not opened any emails or we do not have an email address.

2. Discussed Sevier’s band teacher, Mrs. Marsh.

a. Susan and Carleen have met with Mrs. Marsh for feedback and ideas on recruiting and to

foster this relationship.

b. They discussed opportunities for the middle school band to go to elementary schools and

PTA nights.

c. Sevier’s band may join WHHS band for the spring concert.

d. Sevier cannot split the band and strings program until they have the need to hire another

teacher (grow the program).

e. Mr. Pace has worked with Greenville Middle and League Academy to make sure WHHS

zoned kids come to our Middle School Band night.

3. Props Work Group

a. First planning meeting will be June 21 st .

b. Henry Wilcox will lead this committee. Other participants include, Tracy and theater troupe,

Shawn Sperry, Russ Smoak, and anyone else who wants to work on the props

4. Semi truck – Robyn contacted STi.

a. They do not use their trucks on the weekend so we could rent a truck and possible driver for

competition weekends.

b. We could purchase modular shelving and storage that is mobile.

c. They may have a semi-trailer we could purchase.

Updates from Mr. Pace:

1. All of our big dates are on the school calendar and approved, including next year’s banquet and


2. We cannot have a drumline or winter guard at WHHS next year due to lack of space. The school is

adding two more basketball teams so all of the gyms will be occupied.

a. Back up Plan is to combine the drumline and winterguard into one group and practice only

on Fridays.

b. Reggie Choplin is supposed to confirm this with Mr. Pace by Friday, June 16 th .

3. We can have use of the Track Field next year. When there are home JV and C-Team football games on Thursdays we will use this field from 6-9pm

a. We will have to maintain the field – paint and crew

4. Changes in next year’s practice schedules –

a. Spirit Week, Thursday practice will be from 4-6:30pm

b. Friday night Rehearsal in stadium on September 29 th

c. Fall Break, Thursday night game and Friday practice from 9-5pm.

5. No updates on hiring more staff and no word on Brady.

6. Remind Account

a. Mr. Pace has two-way for him

b. Need to add Ms. Wines so she can communicate.

Next Steps:

1. Meeting on Thursday, June 15 th at Coronas to plan Band Camp

2. Prop Meeting June 21 st

3. Finalize sponsor letters and donation levels

4. Procure donations for Band Camp, props, show shirts, scaffolding, semi-trailer

5. Next Board Meeting, July 25 th h at 6:30 pm in the Band Room.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

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