Thanks to everyone who came out to the Spring Band Camp on Saturday and got a taste of the 2017 marching season. Check out the pics on Facebook.
Thanks also to the parents who came for the Parent Meeting. If you missed it, or if you want to review the information, you can find this important information at this link. Remember, this information is for returning parents as well as new parents - significant changes from previous years.
Drum Line Rehearsal Tuesday, May 9
4-6 pm Remember to email Mr. Pace with your summer availability for rehearsals.
Band Boosters (Parents) Meeting and Board Elections Tuesday, May 9 6:30 pm
Please make plans to attend!
After School Rehearsal for Spring Concert Wednesday, May 10 4:00 pm
Spring Concert-TWICE
Wed, May 10, first block (call time is 8 am) and Thursday, May 11, 7 pm (call time is 6 pm)
Concert black for both
Check the website calendar anytime to see what's coming up. Go to http://www.whhsbands.com/calendar.
Remember, Boosters Board elections are Tuesday, May 9 at 6:30 pm at the band room. Please make every effort to attend this meeting.Review the updated board positions and additional parent coordinator roles.
2017 WISH LIST As our band continues to grow, moving our band around will take more too! We are wishing for a semi-trailer to make our own - ideally a former moving company one (since they are lower to the ground) but anything is worth a conversation!
2017 BAND SIGN UPS - Not too late! If you are interested in participating in band for 2017-2018, please let us know as soon as possible. EVEN IF YOU SIGNED UP FOR THE CLASS, PLEASE ALSO COMPLETE THE FORM SO WE HAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION.