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Board Meeting Minutes - April 25, 2017


1. Staff

2. Spring Events

3. Band Camp

4. Other items

5. Discuss next steps

Mr. Pace opened the meeting at 6:15 pm.


Mr. Pace confirmed that he will have an assistant director next year, Ms. Wines. Her strings numbers

have declined so she will transition into helping Mr. Pace as the assistant band director. Mr. Williams is supplementing her salary with his budget not Booster’s budget.

Mr. Williams will also be hiring an ISS teacher within the next 2 weeks that will be designated as the

Percussion instructor for Mr. Pace. A woman is coming from Michigan to help Dani with the colorguard.

Mr. Pace still needs a visual assistant. Ian will come back next year and help Mr. Pace with the drum

major instruction.

Spring Events:

1. Spring Clinic – May 6 th from 9-5 with a parent meeting at 4pm in auditorium.

 Lunch (12-1 pm) – Pizza, Tracy will help coordinate lunch. Have chips and water, and Kathryn

will donate fruit. Carleen bringing banana bread

 Chaperones – needed to check in people, help with lunch and prepare water for the day

(Gatorade coolers and bottles).

 We will have chromebooks set up during the parent meeting for parents to log in and check

accounts and/or create new accounts

2. Banquet – May 2 nd from 6-8pm in the Cafeteria and Auditorium

 Meeting around 4:15-4:30 to decorate.

o Tracy will help with décor (centerpieces, table clothes) and get paper products.

o We took an inventory of banquet supplies and noted that we need dinner sized paper

plates and cups. ShaeAnn will bring the dinner napkins. We have plenty of dessert plates

and napkins and tablecloths. We need to check where the sterno and other chafing

supplies(large foil water pans and frames) went after the memorial service at Furman.

We only have 3 chafing frames in the band closet.

o We will set up 5 rows in the cafeteria, and tables for cake/desserts, food and


 Sean Sperry picking up the BBQ ($7.50/person),

 Tracy making cake, brownies and cookies from bake sale

 There will be a slide show and senior speeches while we are eating.

 Mr. Pace will present a preview of next year’s show and the awards after the meal in the


o Directors Award and John Phillips Sousa Award

o Robyn will get these engraved. They should be delivered to the school this week.

 Boosters will sell the new car magnets for $10.00 each.

 Carleen is able to get a good deal on Yeti-like cups with the WHHS Band logo engraved. She will

have one on display at the banquet as an example. Price will be between $30-35 with profit of

$10 each.

Band Camp:

 1 st two weeks in August (July 31 – August 11 th ), 9am – 1pm and 5-9pm.

 We need 6-8 chaperones (male and female) available for medical issues, bathroom breaks and

present during release time.

 No lunch provided to the students this year.

 Band Camp Packet - white shirt with 2K17 and small logo, lanyard (name tag and music

laminated), ½ gallon water jug, and knee pads. Cost estimate would be $15.00/packet but Tracy

is looking at getting it all donated.

 Tracy discussed having a “Fun Day” each Wednesday. Kids pay $5 and she will plan and run it.

Other Items:

1. Financials – We have $2088.22 in the new BB&T account and $$589.04 in the First Citizens account.

These balances are after all bills and donations have been paid. Kathryn meets with Sue next week

to discuss the taxes.

2. Member Tool Kit – parents will not need to start from scratch. Robyn is having all of last year’s

information uploaded now. Hopefully it will be uploaded for the May 6 th Spring Clinic parent


3. Leadership – Mr. Pace will announce leadership positions for next year’s band next week.

4. Scaffolding for parking lot practice. We need a wider platform (6ft). One level would be high

enough since the grassy knoll is already higher than the parking lot.

5. Welcome Packet – Robyn reviewed some open items in the Welcome Packet with Mr. Pace

 Band Fee - $150.00 and will only cover the uniform

 Marchers and Pit crew

o get fitted for black shoes and short sleeve black compression shirt. They will pay

separately for these items.

o need to provide black socks and tight fitting underwear themselves.

o Band will provide the gloves

 Colorguard

o Fee will cover rifle, gloves, shoes, flag bag, make-up and hair care, and warm up


o Boosters will purchase their uniforms so we can resell after season.

 Fundraisers

o Individual contribution - $300 (3 installments of $100 throughout season).

Members can get sponsorships in lieu of contribution.

o Group fundraisers will include Fruit and profit night at Wendy’s or Pizza Inn.

6. Thank You Notes – Customer Architectural Solutions, LLC in Travelers Rest provided the truck on

Sunday to pick up the drum set.

 Kathryn provided ShaeAnn with the 510(c)(3) certificate to give to owner for his taxes.

 Tracy will create a Thank you note and ShaeAnn can deliver it.

 Robyn provided ShaeAnn with the link for Gift in Kind Donation letter (556.4 miles round trip

and cost of renting a truck - $62.00).

7. Board Nominations – none have been provided to date. Parent Meeting on May 9 th @ 6:30 pm in

the Band room to vote on next year’s board.

Next Steps:

1. Spring Events

2. Procure donations for Band Camp, props, show shirts, and scaffolding

3. Next Parent Meeting is Saturday, May 6 th at 4:00 pm in the auditorium.

4. Board vote and Parent Meeting – May 9 th at 6:30 pm in Band room.

5. Next Board Meeting, May 30 th at 6:30 pm in the Band Room.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.

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