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Board Meeting Minutes - October 25, 2016


1. Wendy’s Non-Profit Night

2. Fruit Sales Fundraiser

3. Uniforms and Shoes

4. 501(c)(3) status

5. By-Laws

6. Winter Guard and Pep Band

7. Discuss next steps

Since our last meeting the Booster Board has been through some changes:

Michelle Brower resigned as president and Carleen Smith assumed this role. Tracy Hendrix agreed to fill the Vice President role since Carleen stepped up. Terri McMorrow resigned as Treasurer. Kathryn Riley agreed to fill this role for the remainder of the year.


We received $100 from last profit night. We are scheduled for two more, November 15th and December.

Fruit Sales:

Profit is not what we expected. Robyn analyzed the fruit sales profit and determined:

The average profit for boxes sold for pick up is $11.20.

The average profit for boxes sold for delivery is $6.

The average of these two figures is $8.60 profit per box.

Mr. Pace talked to the Greenville High Band Director. They use a local fruit company and their profits doubled. We will look at doing this next year.

Lessons Learned from Fruit Sales -

1. Timing – too much to do during band season

2. Profit is not what we expected – will use a different company next year

3. Time period for the sale is too long

Uniforms and Shoes:

Can the shoe money be sent through the school? No, it would have to be part of the band fees and Mr. Williams will not allow the band fees to be raised higher than $100 for now. Mr. Pace will be discussing band fees with Mr. Williams to see if they can be paid through the Boosters organization.

501(c)(3) status:

Carleen and Kathryn met with Carleen’s friend, Sue, who is a tax lawyer. WHHS Band Boosters has an EIN# but it was never filled with the state. It is mandatory to file with the state before reaching $50,000 in gross income.

For the Articles of Incorporation, Carleen will be the agent.

We will be utilizing Parent Boosters which is a group in Florida that helps booster clubs with their filings and paperwork. Kathryn has called them and is discussing our situation with them as well.

The best option is to close all of the WHHS Band Booster accounts and cancel the current EIN# and start from scratch. $495 – Federal Filing, $400 - SC Filing, $25 – Incorporate. Kathryn will be obtaining and completing the paperwork and the board voted and agreed to dissolve the old entity completely and create a new WHHS Band Boosters non-profit organization. This means we will not need to file tax paperwork by November 15th.


The by-laws will need to be updated. Sue stated there should be certain legal phrases that need to be included. We will align the revision with the creation of the new entity. The board agreed to take the by-laws home to review and provide comments at the next meeting.

We did review quickly and provided some comments:

1. Mr. Pace commented that he would like to have Article II – Purpose revised – “…supporting the Band Program and the vision of Band Director(s) at Wade Hampton High School…”

2. Under Article IV, Section 1. Membership we will add a statement that a Greenville County Employee cannot be a member of the board.

3. Under Article VI, Section 2. Election May should be changed to April so we can have a shadowing period for future board members.

4. Under Article X, Section 4. Checks the statement regarding checks over $250 will be removed.

5. Under Article X, Section 6. Financial Controls we will remove the same statement regarding $250 checks and add two statements:

a). The Band Director(s) can veto a board purchase decision over X amount of dollars

b). The board can veto a purchase decision by the Band Director(s) over X amount of dollars

6. Fiscal year should remain June 1st to May 31st. We will add a clause for the first year since the new entity will be created in the middle of the year.

7. Record Retention? Need to confirm with Sue about federal record retention timelines and will add to by-laws.

ShaeAnn and Carleen discussed with Mr. Pace expectations of the board members and the band director. We would like to have something written down and discussed for next year about what exactly are the expectations from the band director’s perspective of each board member and what the board expects of the band director. This will help open the lines of communication and make sure we are all on the same page. Mr. Pace said he would think about it and we will discuss at a later meeting.


The electrical in the concession stand is not up to code and needs to be fixed before next year since we only have one more football game. According to Mr. Pace, Rick Finley said it was not okay but don’t use too many crock pots. This is a safety issue and the reset switches do not work. We suspect it would not meet code which makes it a liability. Mr. Pace will discuss this with Mr. Williams.

Winter Season:

1. Winter Guard –

  • Need trailer for the weekend contests from January to April to carry the floor, flags and weapons

  • Tryouts November 15th

  • We will need to procure Donaldson Center soon to repaint the tarp (by end of December)

2. Pep Band –

  • Only 6 practices

  • No dues

Miscellaneous Items:

1. Need 150 kids on the roster to get an Assistant Band Director. Mr. Pace needs this assistant!

2. Need 100 kids the first day of band camp!! This enables us to receive double the county money!

3. Review the expenditures and actual spending

  • Evaluate what we can and cannot do for the winter season

  • $500 for Winter Guard

  • $475 for registration not $1000. The medals only come into play if they reach the final event. Mr. Pace wants to be able to keep it $1000 from the boosters so he can offset the fees for the kids.

  • $1,200 for travel

  • Total needed would be $2,700

4. Write Grants – Band program is in need of Oboes, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Mellophone, and steel drums. We should consider contacting the Greenville Arts Council. ShaeAnn added that he mother used to write grants for Woodmont Middle School. She will contact her for help. Tracy also added that she knows someone who can help as well.

5. We will need to transfer all of our financials into Quick Books from Quicken. Kathryn will look at the cost and make a donation if necessary.

6. Mr. Pace fired Kyle Jacobs and the school will press charges. He has a no trespassing order against him for Greenville County Schools.

Next Steps:

  1. Senior Night this Friday at football game – Tracy will take care of the red roses for the seniors

  2. Christmas Parade December 3rd and use of trailer for equipment (red/black hoodies and no party afterwards)

  3. Kathryn to follow up with Sue for 501(c)(3) filing and EIN reset and Quick Books

  4. County and Region band money is due by November 2nd

  5. Bibbers need to be washed and mail plumes back

  6. Review By-laws

  7. Next parent meeting is Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:30pm in Band Room

  8. Next meeting is Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 6:30pm in Band Room

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