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Board Meeting Minutes - August 4, 2016

Meeting Date: : August 4, 2016 @ 6pm

Attended Invited √ Michelle Brower √ Carleen Smith √ Terri McMorrow √ ShaeAnn Cavanagh √ Robyn Wilcox Optional: X AJ Pace Agenda: 1.Band Camp Celebration Dinner 2. Welcome Back talking points 3. Discuss next steps End of Band Camp Celebration Dinner 190 people have signed up!! Set up at 4pm - whoever can come early and help would be great. Carleen will come around noon and pick up the 5 gallon containers for Bucky's and will return at 3pm with the food, utensils, cups, plates, and buns. We will need a cashbox for the $$ at check in.

  • Robyn will confirm any missing information at check in and Teri will take the money if not paid yet.

We need at least 4 people to help serve the food so we can control the portions Hoping we have someone that can help with ice and drinks. Pool Party after dinner from 8-10 pm. Mr. Pace and Pace's assistants will bee there as adult chaperones. Parents to pick up the kids at 10 pm sharp.

Board Meeting Talking Points:

  • Mention Fruit Sales and be on the look out for this information

  • Sponsorships and Donations - this is a must.

  • Mr. Pace will talk about this

  • we need this $$ to help with cash flow and to buy props

  • props are needed by September 17th

  • Band t-shirts - do not have a show shirt so the only band t-shirt is the one available on Member Planet. This reminder will go out to parents in the next week or so.

Facebook Page:

  • Robyn created a Facebook Page

  • still under construction and will roll out to the families in the next few weeks

  • we can add links to Member Planet and WHHS

  • use it as a primary point for communication


  • Robyn confirmed Costco is talking to us about a donation and we should know something soon.

  • 1st home game is August 25th - C Team and JV.

  • Quentin will send Robyn the concession wish list for donations

Status of the Props:

  • Michelle will check with Home Depot for donations

  • We need enough material to create 5 frames and then will them screen printed

  • need the props by September 17th

Next Steps: Concession items Donations for props Schedule Prop Building email Zaxby’s Next meeting isTuesday,August 23, 2016 at 6:00pm, Location TBD

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