Here are some reminders and information about this week's activities from A.J. Pace, Director of Bands.
BAND CAMP The first week of band camp was a HUGE success! We spent a week training our musical and visual program and we look forward to begin learning our 2016 show, "Copy of a..." In preparation for this week, please make sure you
Continue hydrating and stretching!!!!
Get plenty of sleep!
PAY YOUR BAND FEE If you haven't yet, please pay your $100 band fee ASAP (checks made out to Wade Hampton High School). This is not fundraising. This is required for purchasing uniforms and equipment. BAND CALENDAR Inform Mr. Pace in advance of any possible unavoidable absences to be considered as excused. All band rehearsals, games and competitions are on the calendar under Events on Member Planet. As you saw in the Handbook, you are expected to be at all of these. COMPLETE YOUR STUDENT INFO FORM & AGREEMENT We must have your Student Information form and your Handbook Agreement form completed for participation in the band. These are the first two items in the packet that was sent out previously. You can access them using the button below.
END-OF-BAND-CAMP BBQ CELEBRATION & POOL PARTY On Friday, August 5, parents are invited to come for a special preview of WHHS Marching Band 2016. We'll perform what we've learned so far, then enjoy a BBQ dinner together. Band members will eat free, and everyone else will pay $5 per plate for BBQ, 2 sides, drink and dessert. If you haven't let us know how many to expect from your family, we really have to know by Tuesday AM. After dinner, band members (only) are invited for a POOL PARTY from 8 to 10 pmat Wade Hampton Gardens Pool (across from the student parking lot). Pick up time is 10 pm.
BAND SHOES If you have your non-shiny shoes from last year, and they still fit, they will be fine for this year.
For everyone else, the shoe company will be coming to fit and take orders during practice on August 15. The cost of shoes is $32 and should be paid to WHHS Band Boosters.
FUNDRAISING FOR A BETTER BAND! We will be focusing more on our fundraising for the season in the coming weeks. We have two large fundraisers that the students and parents MUST participate in.
As outlined in the student packet, each student is required to raise at least $50 in donations - can be multiple small donations or one or two large ones. Encourage donations through the link below: www.memberplanet.com/campaign/whhsbandboosters/2016fundraising
Each student is required to participate in our band fruit fundraiser. Information about the fruit fundraiser will be released soon. With full participation, this fundraiser could bring in a great deal of money for the WHHS Band!
If you haven't joined our MemberPlanet group yet, please complete your membership so you won't miss any important information. Donation needs: - 3-step stepladder - Cases of bottled water - Gatorade mix - First aid supplies - Healthy snacks in bulk