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WEEKLY REMINDERS October 10, 2016

Here are some reminders and information about this week's activities from the Band Boosters and A.J. Pace, Director of Bands.


Wendy's Fundraiser Night Tuesday Oct 11 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm After practice, pick up some healthy options from Wendy's on Wade Hampton Blvd Mention you are with the Wade Hampton Band and we will get a percentage of the money!



Tuesday - normal practice Thursday - no school

  • normal practice only for color guard

  • percussion at away game at Mauldin (schedule to come separately)

Friday - no school, full day practice

  • report at 9 am, dismissed at 5 pm

  • bring a healthy lunch, or lunch is available for $3 - turn in your order choice by Tuesday at practice

​Saturday - competition in Pendleton

  • full day schedule to come in separate email


​BAND FRUIT SALE - START TURNING IN ORDERS! We've asked students to start turning in orders and money each week by Thursday to be eligible for the weekly "Fruity Friday" drawings.

  • Sale ends November 7

  • ONLINE ORDERS for early December pickup at

  • Check orders should be placed in the envelope and checks made to WHHS Band Boosters.

  • Remember, we don't want to encourage anyone to use direct ship - we make 1/2 as much money on those orders.​




We still need volunteers to sign up for shifts in all volunteer areas, and there are more than 100 spots available. Please help us reach the participation goal of 50% or more by the end of the season - consider helping us if you haven't yet.

We're using SignUp (the leading online Sign Up and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming volunteer needs. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

  1. Click the link below to see our SignUps:

  2. Review the SignUps listed and choose the one(s) you like.

  3. Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.

Note: does not share your email address with anyone. Remember, we can't do it without you!


​Water and concessions donations closed With only 3 more concessions nights, we don't want to end up with extra to store, so we will close the concessions donations this week. Thanks to all of you who helped with donations!


A REMINDER ABOUT PICK UP Thank you for your cooperation on the new pick up location through the fire lane at the side of the school. However, please note, the gates will only be open for 30 minutes after scheduled pick up time. Please be on time to pick up your child so that everyone can get home to their families.

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